PyroBuy-Partner With Elite China Sourcing Experts
Only Serving the World's Elite Fireworks importers.Protect your Brand Equity!
Over 5,200 containers and 9.2 Million cartons shipped from 130 factories to South America, Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe,& USA!
CE & EX for all product categories.Over 10,000 active SKUs.Professional,Consumer,and Equipment
Only world's Eliter Fireworks importers considered for membership.Find out if you qualify!

Let Our Technicians Help You Design The Perfect Products
Design for your target price point
Design for the correct size
Design for the best duration

Our Designers Help You Design The Perfect Label Art
Fast and easy communication
Review and approve all designs
Worlds Best Brands All On One Container

Enjoy Our Digital Ecosystem. All Production Info In One Location!
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Members Have Access To On-Line & Live Marketing Support
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Liver support at your location, when you need it. -
In-depth monthly industry updates with analysis of key trends
On-line calcculators for landed cost, recommended mark-up, ets.
Free white papers on industry laws, important safety tips, how firewroks work, etc.